deAd liNeS - Coming Soon

Robert Majzels - 254 pages

deAd liNeS is an eschatological fiction in a hybrid form (poetry, fiction and nonfiction) that imagines a world in which it is too late to reverse climate change. The wealthy and powerful have created luxurious green refuges. Outside these enclaves, the disenfranchised struggle to survive in a wasteland of poisonous air and water. Groups of outlanders called Levellers have formed cooperatives, working together to coax shrunken vegetables from the near barren ground. Others, known as the deAdliNerS, have abandoned hope and live to exact revenge on those responsible for the death of the planet. The deAdliNerS travel in small nomadic packs, launching forays against the green zones and rare earth mines, and plotting assassinations of the oil barons, tech billionaires, politicians and their agents. Meanwhile, bObby 2shOes wanders through the desolate landscape, in search of food and water, and maybe something like human companionship.